Our charter Our charter
We need for help across a range of areas. Its difficult to get that from a single source.
With broad and deep business and industry experience and knowledge, a Consigliere can help you quickly come to grips with your issues.

Our Charter

    The Character of the organisation is defined by the behaviour of the people within it. There are things we do, and things we won’t.
  • Our loyalty is tied to that of the company and its success, rather than to any one individual.
  • We are objective driven. We will not start a project until the objectives are defined and agreed. Achievement of mutually agreed objectives is our measure of success.
  • We operate on trust in a free, frank and open manner and expect that will be reciprocated by our clients.
  • We aim to resolve conflict among stake-holders with open discussion. In that regard matters of fact trump matters of opinion.
  • We believe that good ideas can come from anywhere, that all stakeholders should be invited to contribute and be part of the future of the business.
  • Simplicity, clarity, fact, truth.